It is not easy to know all the requirements of subclass 462 work and holiday visa, but you must meet them to get the visa in the first place. We are professionals in this field and will guide you through and inform you about the entire process.
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The Basics of Work and Holiday Visa Subclass 462

Any young adult from a few specific countries having the work and holiday visa subclass 462 Australia is eligible to earn money and pay for their holidays there.

Usually, the visa is valid for a year, but depending on fulfilling the necessary criteria, you may also apply for a second or third visa in a few specific situations.

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To be eligible for a second visa subclass 462, the first visa holder must be engaged in some ‘specified work’ for a period of at least three months according to the rule.

And, if you want a third working holiday visa, you must be engaged in these jobs for six months, at least.

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Age Requirements

Apart from being the resident of approved country, there are some minimum requirements to be eligible to apply for a subclass 462 visa.

Next, you must meet the minimum and maximum age requirement of 18 and 30 years, respectively, both inclusive, if you are a citizen of the following countries:

However, the lower and upper age limit is 18 and 35 years for the citizens of the following countries:
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However, you may still be granted a visa if you are of the maximum age limit and turn a year older by the time the final decision is made.

Citizens of a few other countries may also apply for the subclass 462 work and holiday visa, such as:

You can apply for a work and holiday visa subclass 462 Australia online from outside the country but should not have any dependent children accompanying you.

You should also not hold any prior subclass 417 or 462 visas or have entered Australia with any of them. The holders of the subclass 417 visas should look for the second working and holiday 417 visas instead of a subclass 462 work and holiday visa.

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Specified Work

The government in Australia does not consider any and every work to be the ‘specified work.’ These jobs are essentially limited to specific regions only.

There are specific areas laid down by the government where a subclass 462 visa holder may work.

For example, in Northern Australia in particular, these jobs include
And ‘specified works’ in Northern Australia as well as in other regions include:
However, the government of Australia has added a few specific postcodes or areas to the list as well.
For example, you can take up flood recovery work in New South Wales and Queensland. Specified work related to tourism and hospitality is also available now in the following postcodes:
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Other Requirements

In addition to the above, there may be other requirements that you will need to fulfill, but that typically depends on your specific conditions. For example, you must have the funds to spend during the initial phase of your holiday.

Also, you must meet the character and health requirements and may have to provide evidence for both. You may also be asked to provide proof of your health and travel insurance.

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Application Procedure
You must apply for the visa subclass 462 to the Department of Home Affairs or ‘DOHA,’ furnishing all necessary documents along with it.
Time Limits

You must abide by the specified time limits once you are granted the subclass 462 work and holiday visa. For example:

The time limit to enter Australia is 12 months after receiving your visa.
Suppose you are working in any job anywhere in Australia. In that case, you should not work for more than six months for any particular employer, provided no specific exemptions are applicable to your ‘specified work.’ If you are studying, it should be at most four months.

Academic Requirements

At the time of application for the work and holiday visa subclass 462 Australia, you must meet the necessary academic requirements and have to provide evidence.

Usually, you must complete two years of undergraduate study at least from a recognized university or have any tertiary qualification. You must hold a high school or secondary school qualification if you are from Chile, the USA, or Israel.

In addition to that, you must also know functional English with a minimum band score of 4.5.

Looking For Work And Holiday Visa Subclass 462?
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