You must be in a real relationship with an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, or New Zealand citizen to apply for a partner visa to Australia.
➤ To the exclusion of all else, you and your partner must be committed to living a life together.
➤ It would be best if you lived with your spouse, or you won’t live apart forever.
➤ Under Australian law, your marriage must be legal.
➤ You either live together, or you don’t live apart permanently.
The partner provisional visa is planned to permit the de facto spouse /partner of an Australian resident, Australian lasting resident, or suitable New Zealand civilian to live in Australia on a provisional basis.
➤ The applicant must be residing out of Australia.
➤ A sponsor is necessary when your spouse is younger than 18 years old.
➤ To be your sponsors, your partner’s parents and legal guardian must be Australian citizens, permanent residents of Australia, or eligible New Zealand citizens.
➤ This rule is severely monitored because, in most cases, your spouse is your supporter.
➤ All the well-being and atmosphere want to have to be satisfied mandatorily.
➤ This visa is decided for individuals who hold the transitory partner provisional visa.