You apply for the temporary and the permanent partner visas together
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Partner Visa (Apply Overseas) (Subclasses 309 and 100)

The general purpose of this fact sheet is to provide the partner visa 309 and the substances you will require to talk about should you try to demand this visa. It is also outside the possibility of this conversation to offer a full description of all valid features you will need to consider. We so strongly mention that if you are considering dealing with the subclass 309 visa, you mark the correct further work to manifest that you are entirely informed about your suitability, the application process, and the registered evidence needed that apply before you lodge your application. This will give you the best possibility of a successful result and avoid unneeded processing delays or possible visa content.

Eligibility to Apply for the Partner Visa (Subclasses 309 and 100)

You must be in a real relationship with an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, or New Zealand citizen to apply for a partner visa to Australia.

➤ To the exclusion of all else, you and your partner must be committed to living a life together.

➤ It would be best if you lived with your spouse, or you won’t live apart forever.

➤ Under Australian law, your marriage must be legal.

➤ You either live together, or you don’t live apart permanently.

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Provisional visa subclass 309

The first method of this visa agrees for a de facto partner to live provisionally in Australia with their spouse. When you use it, you need to be external to Australia, and the visa is decided. Getting this permit is the main step towards a Lasting Visa subclass 309. It allows you to visit Australia provisionally until the Australian management has definite the result of the permanent time subclass 309 of the visa.
Know about provisional partner visas

The partner provisional visa is planned to permit the de facto spouse /partner of an Australian resident, Australian lasting resident, or suitable New Zealand civilian to live in Australia on a provisional basis.

➤ The applicant must be residing out of Australia.

➤ A sponsor is necessary when your spouse is younger than 18 years old.

➤ To be your sponsors, your partner’s parents and legal guardian must be Australian citizens, permanent residents of Australia, or eligible New Zealand citizens.

➤ This rule is severely monitored because, in most cases, your spouse is your supporter.

➤ All the well-being and atmosphere want to have to be satisfied mandatorily.

➤ This visa is decided for individuals who hold the transitory partner provisional visa.

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Looking For Partner Visa(Subclasses 309 And 100)?
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