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Change Course or Institution

Everyone faces a situation when life takes them through a desperate time. For students, especially overseas candidates, a similar situation arises when you realize that you are not meant for the course or institution you have taken.

It can be a lack of passion, limitation in your own learning ability, bad performance or the strict institutional norms, anything can discourage you and you might just end up realizing you are living a life you never wanted to.

If you hold a Student visa and are thinking about changing your education provider, ensure that you continue to meet all the conditions that apply to your student visa.

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Conditions and requirements to Change Course & Provider

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Why Do You Need Pathway Education?

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Firstly, it is important to note that if you are opting to change course in Australia, it is best to understand that the advice is given by your friends, co-students and other fellow instructors is not always genuine. Consult a professional educational consulting agent for the correct advice.
Pathway Education is a team of experienced educational consulting agents who would be able to give you the appropriate support regarding your decision to change your current course.
We will also provide you the best assistance to select the alternate course and institution that would be most beneficial for you and match your aspirations, qualification, learning skills and career goals.
While changing your course or institution, your visa will require proper modifications. We, at Pathway Education, will advice on the new visa requirements and assist you to get your new visa granted as soon as possible.
Changing course or institution needs proper documentation like course cancellation and new course enrolment papers. We assist you to get them rightfully and without any potential hassle.

What if you want to change the Level of Qualification?

When you want to change the level of qualification, like changing from a Bachelor Degree Course to Diploma Course, you will need a different subclass student visa. At Pathway Education, we ensure the new student visa with the right subclass is ready and workable within the least amount of time and at the most affordable prices.
What if you want to change the Level of Qualification?
When you want to change the level of qualification, like changing from a Bachelor Degree Course to Diploma Course, you will need a different subclass student visa. At Pathway Education, we ensure the new student visa with the right subclass is ready and workable within the least amount of time and at the most affordable prices.
However, if you are unhappy with the current course and wish to take up a different course in the same institution and at the same level of qualification, then a new student visa is not required until of-course, your visa is about to expire.
Book free appointment for change your course or provider
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