
Applying for Australia Skilled Visa? No ratings yet.


Every year Australian Government invite skilled candidates to apply for permanent residency. The occupation list for the skilled visas are updated and changes to the skilled visa streams are made every year in order to meet the Australian economic and labour need.

The main aim of the migration program is to rebuild and reshape the Australian economy and society, also to support the labour market and the skills that are high in demand. Australian migration program capacity and composition varies and changes over time in order to meet the social and economic needs of Australia.

The planning level are set by the government each year and are informed with key stakeholders and business in all states and territories. Over the years skilled migration stream has become one of the larger programs. In 2019 -2020 more than 90 thousand places were offered in the skilled stream.

However due to COVID-19 there has been a significant impact on the 2019-2020 Migration Program especially in the Skilled Independent Visa Subclass 189 because of many service disruptions such as English language testing, bio-metrics, health and character testing.

Although family, business and skilled stream was impacted but distinguished talent and skilled regional work was able to meet the planned ceiling of migration.

There were few key changes that took place in the 2019-2020 skilled migration in the following areas.

Employer nomination scheme subclass 186

This visa is for skilled workers who are nominated by their employer. In order to be eligible for this visa, one must be having the necessary skills for the job, occupation must be on the eligible skilled occupation list, meet the health, character and competent English requirement.

The new skilled occupation and instrument has been published with eligible skilled occupation included on the Medium and Long-term strategic skill list. 216 occupations are delivered for this visa.

Regional sponsored migration scheme 187

This visa is for skilled employers who are nominated by their employers in regional Australia, which will allow one to live and work in Australia permanently. In order to be eligible for this stream, one must have worked for employer for at least three years, must be a transitional subclass 457 or 482 worker.

One of the major changes of this stream was the closure of the Direct entry stream which is now closed to new applicants from November 2019.

More than 666 skilled occupations continue to be eligible for this visa and new occupation list was also included in the Medium and Long – term Strategic Skills list. Worker who are overseas must be nominated in one of these occupations, to be eligible for this visa.

Skilled Independent Visa 189 – This is the point tested stream where applicants can lodge their EOI as soon as they meet the minimum requirement. The point test stream has various criteria that one must achieve in order to apply for it. In the 2019 changes, there are more than 200 skilled occupation that are now added to apply for the changes.

Skilled Regional 489- 489 is a temporary visa for the skilled workers who wants to live and work permanently in regional area. In order to be eligible for the visa one must live, work and study in designated places of the regional Australia.

New skilled occupations list has been updated for the 2019-2020. Candidates who are nominated by state and territory government can apply with an occupation on the Short-term Skilled Occupation List, Medium and Long-term Skilled Occupation and Regional Occupation List.

More than 700 occupations are now available for this visa stream for the 2019-2020.

Skilled Nominated visa 190 – The skilled occupation is for candidates who have the occupation on the skilled list, have suitable skills assessment for the occupation and have sponsor eligible for permanent residence. 

Visas for GPs- Australia is currently in need of a medical practitioner, in order to regulate the medical workforce of Australia.

The main aim of this visa is to direct doctors into rural and regional areas that need the service.

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